Partner@PSLTandem Program

Guidelines for participants – Tandem Program

Thank you for your interest in the PSL Welcome Desk’s language partner exchange: the Tandem Program. 

The Tandem Program is open to all members of Université PSL: students, doctoral students, academic and administrative staff. It is organized by academic semester of which there are two sessions, fall and spring. You must reactivate your account each new semester during which you may be matched with up to three partners. Each semester, registered participants are invited to a Tandem Program event organized by the PSL Welcome Desk.

Dates for Academic Year 2024-2025

Fall registration and matchmaking: September 1 to October 20
Fall Tandem Program Event: October 17
End of fall session: December 31

Spring registration and matchmaking: January 1 to February 16
Spring Tandem Program Event: March 6
End of spring session: May 31


Register to the Tandem Program on the PSL Welcome Desk’s Partner@PSL platform: Indicate an institutional PSL email address and your preferences. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages can help you identify your language level.


You will be matched based on your preferences, including language level, gender, PSL member category, and any additional information you have provided. If the match is not working for you, contact us at If it is not possible to resolve the situation, we will assign you a new partner.


  • Compare your schedules and agree on the frequency of meetings.
  • Set some goals.
  • Discuss the level of correction that you expect. At your first meeting, you may ask: Do you want to be corrected? How so? Should I note your mistakes or intervene while you are talking?
  • Ensure that both languages are given equal time in the exchange.
  • Keep in mind that a language exchange is not a language course, and that the role of a conversation partner is not the same as that of a teacher.
  • Don't get stuck on your accent. Practice is the best way to improve your language skills!
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. It is not a matter of correcting everything, but rather of becoming more confident in another language. 

Participant Expectations 

  1. Regularly meet with your assigned partner.
  2. Act with integrity and show respect for others.

Université PSL Responsibilities

  1. Université PSL safeguards the application of the law which prohibits and sanctions all forms of discrimination as well as hazing and any other form of humiliating or degrading treatment of an individual, regardless of where they take place.
  2. Université PSL is committed to the fight against gender-based and sexual violence. The University oversees the prevention and fight against sexual harassment and all forms of gender-based and sexual violence.

In case of need, write to the PSL CEV helpline against harassment and violence for counseling and care:


What if my partner does not answer my attempts to reach them?
If you are having trouble getting a response within a reasonable time, contact the PSL Welcome Desk:

I registered to the program – why don’t I have a match?
The speed at which we can find you a language partner depends on the number of participants registered and their choice of language. It may take time to find you a match. Thank you for your patience!

My assigned partner isn’t meeting my expectations – can I get a new partner?
If availability or language level is a real obstacle to successful meetings, email so that we can find you a new partner.

How can I change my availability?
If you no longer wish to be available for matches, select “Manage my options” in your account and then uncheck the box in which you indicate that you are available for new matches.